Prepare for Professional Technologist

To date, if you hold an MEng with outstanding engineering experiences, without a BEng, you are unqualified to register as a Graduate Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia. Not to mention registering as a PEng via the GE route. BEM accepts the only BTech accredited by the Board’s Engineering Technology Accreditation Council (ETAC) or a signatory of Sydney Accord.

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Klang Valley Time Lapse, 1984~2020

It’s Klang Valley (1984-2020) this round, the largest metropolitan area in Malaysia! The valley is named after the Klang River that flows from the east to the Strait of Malacca. After more than a year of lockdown, there is less waste collected and more wildlife spotted along the river.

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A Hurricane Map

When I was a kid, I had always thought that Greenland is just as big as the United States in terms of surface area. The only maps that I was able to have were all in Mercator projection I guess. I grab all the chances to learn about map projections and got to know more about distortions too. This week, I got to create maps with different projections following Esri MOOC Cartography.

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Real-time hydraulic modelling systems

I am glad that I can still write and get the idea published. It was the beginning of 2020 while I was in the train before Covid-19 outbreak in the country. “How to explain what can and cannot a hydraulic model do?” in a more sensible way to the general public was the initial objective of this.

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