
Let’s get started with an ice breaker: How do rivers get water when it is not raining?

Hello, I am Yin San. I am a hydraulic modeller on weekdays and aspire to be an environmental storyteller on all days. A holder of BTech in environment and MEng in water and ecosystems, venturing into MEng in remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems. I am driven by intellectual curiosity, or simply, I question everything.

One of my life purposes is connecting people with the environment. I create content in engaging people to appreciate science and nature through maps, writings, and paintings. Protecting the environment is protecting humanity. The more we are educated, the more we are willing to change.

How do rivers get water when it is not raining? When it is raining, water soaks into the ground, gets stored, and becomes groundwater, this water gradually moves underground and feeds rivers.

Fun facts: I enjoy outdoor activities, completed a half-marathon and a swimathon.